Interested in sharing your plugin to the community? Follow this simple process to get your plugins published.

1. Learn about Plugins

The Rundeck plugin system allows you to extend Rundeck services through a number of different providers.

Are you new to Rundeck plugins? Read about how to install and configure plugins in the Plugins Manual.

2. Develop a Plugin

Do you want to develop your own plugin? Read about how to develop plugins in either Java or your favorite scripting langauge in the Developer Manual.

If you are creating an External Plugin to another tool and you want to interact with Rundeck through its Web API, be sure to look at the Java client for the RunDeck REST API.

3. Let others know

Have you created a plugin or an external service that integrates Rundeck with another tool? Let us know! Post a message to the Google Group and one of the project team members will update the plugins page. We'll want to know the following:

  • Name: Name of your project
  • Description: Paragraph describing the purpose of the plugin.
  • Project URL: Where the project is hosted.
  • Download URL: Web address where others download the plugin.
  • Version: What version is the plugin and what Rundeck version did you test it with.

4. Contribute the Plugin

Do you want to contribute your plugin to the greater Rundeck community? Excellent! Others will appreciate your fine work. To contribute your plugin you will:

  • Post to the Google Group you want to contribute the plugin.
  • A Rundeck project member will help you migrate your project to the organization.
  • You'll be added to the team for your /rundeck-plugins/:yourplugin.
  • When you're ready, you'll submit your plugin artifact build for distribution.